This blog is built on my own from scratch (e.g. server, database, backend and frontend) and the current version is 3.1. It's mainly based on Mysql, Bootstrap and Flask.
I started to build my blog in 2014 and it’s hosted on a VPS and online for about 8 years!
Here are some descriptions of the tech I used:
- Server
- A 24/7 online OpenVZ VPS with DDoS Protection (hosted on
budgetvmbandwagon). - Auto-backup and auto-restart service using supervisor.
- A reverse proxy (Nginx) to manage multiple servers for different websites.
- A WSGI (uWSGI) proxy to accelerate the communication between the server program and Nginx.
- A SQL (MySQL) database to store the data and database-migration information.
- A 24/7 online OpenVZ VPS with DDoS Protection (hosted on
- Backend
- A server based on Flask with different configurations (i.e. deployment and development).
- A command line interface (CLI) to test the backend and manage the database.
- An authorization system with
- Password Hashing and Salting.
- A Password retrieval system through email (removed now since there is only one user).
- User grouping and permission management.
- CSRF Protection on the forms.
- A file server that
With Hotlink protection (removed now)- With the size and type filter.
- Stores/Manages/Sorts the uploaded files.
- Automatically uploads the pasted images instantly in the editor.
- A SQL-based data-schema with an object-relational mapping (ORM) definitions.
- A database auto-migration component.
- An analysis component based on Google Analytics.
- A set of RESTful API that allows other applications to fetch the posts.
- Frontend
- A responsive design based on Bootstrap
34. - An editing tool that can dynamically load the content with AJAX.
- A responsive design based on Bootstrap
- Features
- Editing
- A rich text editor with CKEditor 4, which can edit images, formula, code, tables, embedded video and many other elements.
- Customizable tags and categories.
- A shared JavaScript management system (e.g. code-highlighting scripts).
- Embeddable and Customizable Scripts (e.g. embed React code in the post).
- An unsaved file warning when exiting.
- Viewing
- Auto-pagination.
- Searching and filtering.
- An auto-hiding navigation bar.
- A timeline-based log.
- A focusing effect when pointing the brief description of a post.
- Streaming
- Broadcast with SRS+FFMPEG via RTMP+HTTP
- RTMP: Low latency (~5s)
- HLS (HTTP): No flash needed
- Editing
Updates in 3.5(Ongoing):
- About me.
- A twin site with the same piece of code
- Redesign the frontend
- Refactor a site-specific rendering system
- fixed the spotlight bug
- fixed the encoding problem
- fixed the ulog clickable
- Added online stream
- Local timezone feature
- Added pin logo in the post list
- Enabled remember me
- Updated the line height
- Added highlight for log (anchor)
- Supported login with timezone
- [2020/05/23]: Support Reversed Timeline
Updates in 3.4:
- New filter design.
- Move to a new server (new IP).
- Redesign the filter.
- Move to a new server (at bandwagon)
- A change log system.
- Updates in 3.3 (Aug 2018)
- New Features:
- A reader app based on React and Ant Design.
- Backend-side updates:
- Added a set of RESTful API routes.
- Added an API Key table.
- Server-side updates:
- Re-installed the server, upgraded the packages and moved to python3.
- Used uWSGI emperor to manage different apps to make a better load-balance management (nginx cannot).
- Switched the browsing UID to www-data to ensure the safety.
Updates in 3.1 (July 2018)
- Refactored the backend.
- Upgraded all flask-related libraries and move to Python3.
- Upgraded from Bootstrap 3 to Bootstrap 4.
- Separated the CSS from HTML entirely.
- Re-designed the navigation bar.
- Added the “focusing” animation.
- Updated the CKEditor.
- Added a “script” field to the Post table.
- Simplified the post categorization.
- Corrected the encoding of the database.