DeepSymphony is a final project for course CSCI599 ( Our goal is to generate music with long-term structure. These logs only record my part of work, and hence they might not be the final model. We will release our final code. You can access my code at 4702
JeVois ( is a portable open-source device for general vision tasks. I propose to build an interactive gesture plugin (for GNOME) with Quantized Neural Network. 4129
Think outside the box! 2454
Using Computer Vision to automatically control the agent in Mirror's Edge Catalyst. Mirror's Edge Catalyst is video game focusing on parkour, which is an extreme sport where the agent has to pass through complex obstacles with skills. 2134
Some creative ideas that I would like to create/see in a distant future. 1950
To record some brief notes/summary of some random pieces I read. Those takeaways might be incomprehensive. Please check the original link to get a better understanding. 2021
Try to learn something about communication/life/attitude. 1942
Vocal Synthesizing. 2057
Some logs to document the Leetcode questions (after found a job) 1420
None 151
None 129